Start FUNdraising with us!!

Participating in a Fundraiser
1. Follow the link shared with you
**Make sure to read "WHY" this organization is raising funds!
2. Add products to your cart
3. Make sure to indicate if you are direct shipping OR picking up with your specific organization at checkout
4. Enjoy your delicious coffee!

Organizing A Fundraiser
1.Start the process by filling out our form
2. Schedule a two week period you'd like to run your fundraiser
3. Share the link with your participants and everyone you know. And, ask them to do the same!
4. Provide your payout information.
Online Fundraising
Fully Virtual
Everything will be processed online: including payment, orders and shopping!
Fully Organized
We will pack and ship every order for your fundraiser right from our warehouse.
Out of State Shipping
Advertise your fundraiser anywhere! We ship to all of the 50 states.
Get Paid Faster
When your fundraiser ends your payment will be sent by check!
Traditional Fundraising
Fully in Person
Perfect for fundraising locally! You'll have a two week period to sell as much coffee as you can.
Fully Organized
Each participant will receive their own box with their orders for distribution.
Local Delivery Available
Free delivery within 40 miles if your fundraiser earns $1500 or more!
Print as Many Forms as You Need
You'll receive a PDF of our fundraising form so you can print as many as your organization requires